Angel of Darkness

Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness was the First Next-Gen tomb raider game ever.  Core design did year making this game and that wasn’t appreciated. After the release of the game many fans complained because of the shortness and glitchyness.  Whole area’s had been removed and a lot of items and cutscenes. However I played this game with a lot of fun, and I think I they didn’t cut like half of the game.. it would be the best TR ever.


After the open end of Tomb Raider 4, Lara Croft rises for her ashes and is visiting Paris. She goes to Werner von Croy, her old  mentor. When she is there a man comes in an shoot Werner. Lara needs to know who killed her friend and goes on a mission to uncover many secrets behind Paris en Prague.  Lara Croft gets tangled up in a conspiracy against mankind. When visiting the Louvre for some answers she meets a man called Kurtis. He searched for the same man Lara does… Eckhard…the leader of the mafia in Prague, called the Cabal. He want to breed an extinct race of angles… The Nephilim. The only way to rebreed this things is to steal human parts. Lara Croft must stop him before it’s to late, before the world will be destroyed….

EXTRA (Alpha/Beta Version)

Not many people may know, but AOD was planned to be bigger, darker, prettier, more exiting and more fun to play. You all complain about the many glitches. That's buceause this game is completed 3%!!!. In fact the only complete area was "Neptunes Hall". Back in 1999 they started with the production of AOD, but did not concidered the danger ahead.. the danger of CORE being fired. Down here is a list of area's, weapons, characters and more wich didn't make it to the final version... or should i say beta version.
AOD was suposed to have 4 different locations                                                                               

-Paris: Paris is the most completed out of them. But the missing area's are right at the beginning of the game. Remember the door next to the dog? Yeah and whole 2nd tutorial level IS there. It still can be asseced by using a mod. As the story goes... Lara got arested and transportated to and police station there she escapes it again and go back to the very start.  

After getting on the streets you can find the river Sceine... Wonder why it's there?
Well maybe because on the other side there was another level set. But we don't know much about it. Only the fact the Police station was there. 

/- /more information and an BETA walktrough visit

-Germany: Yayz.. A whole deleted country!! Yep germany was and actually very important location. Because there Lara met the Cabal and it's members. And again not very much is know about this place. We do know Castle Krieger was meant to be here. And looking at the concept.. a big underwater cave wit han enormous beast.